Plugin Tag: pages
Find Pages By Template
(0 total ratings)A tiny plugin that allows you to search for all pages that use a specific template.
(0 total ratings)Quickorder is a compact plugin that allows you to change the order of all your pages in one fell swoop.
Display Posts Shortcode, Current Page Custom Field Add-On
(0 total ratings)Convert "current" as the current page ID when using the display posts shortcode to query custom fields.
(0 total ratings)TwitterPad allows twitter users to automatically collect tweets using custom search strings which are added to a specified page or as a new blog post
(8 total ratings)Typewriter replaces the Visual Editor with a simple Markdown editor for your posts and pages.
Manage Pages Custom Columns
(0 total ratings)Replicates the custom column feature of the Manage Posts page for the Manage Pages page. Obsolete as of WP 2.4.
WP FreeStyle Wiki
(0 total ratings)This plugin allows you to use FreeStyle Wiki syntax for typing up your posts and pages.
Advanced Post Privacy
(0 total ratings)Allows an administrator to make special exceptions to their private posts/pages (any content type), based on user role (or Guests), or IP address.
GitHub Badge
(0 total ratings)This plug-in allows you to create and place a GitHub css3 badge to your webpage on wordpress. With the help of this plug-in you create a css3 badge fo …
(0 total ratings)Make your Search Engine Re-Optimization easy with SERO. Get insights into important metrics to help increase your organic traffic, therefore increasin …
WP Extra Fields
(1 total ratings)Allows extension of page, post and custom post type by allowing you to create customised form fields to include when adding or editing post types.
(0 total ratings)Enables to add post type links (posts, pages, custom post types etc) and to change the titles in admin main menu.
Preview Everywhere
(0 total ratings)Sometimes a single page preview is not enough, with this plugin you’ll be able to check how you contents look like in every context, including home pa …
WP Installer
(0 total ratings)WP Installer helps new WP installations by configuring the initial setup through 5 simple steps without setting each section
Post Theming
(0 total ratings)Allows you to change how posts will appear in lists on your web site.
Page Category & Archive Menu
(0 total ratings)You can embed page, category, and archive menu in your Wordperss site. You can get documentation and view demos from following site:
Sibling Pages
(0 total ratings)Generates and registers a widget that generates a list of links to sibling pages (pages that have the same parent page)