Plugin Tag: auto
Auto Youtube Summarize
(4 total ratings)This is a better and simple way to auto youtube summary posts.
Hatena Bookmark AutoPost
(0 total ratings)When you added new post, this plugin send email to Hatena bookmark.
Auto Update Themes
(1 total ratings)This plugin sets Wordpress to automatically download and install theme updates. No configuration needed, simply install the plugin and activate it.
Auto Embed
(0 total ratings)Easily Embed Dynamic Lazy Loading Youtube Videos And More Simply By Pasting The Url.
WooCommerce Automatic Download
(3 total ratings)Enables Digital products to download automatically on shop's thank you page.
WP-Easy Menu
(0 total ratings)Automatically generates menu from taxonomies, custom post types, categories, pages, posts and custom links.
(2 total ratings)This plugin generates unicode slug from title You're writing and replaces %postname% part of permalink.
WP Sanitize : Auto WordPress Optimizer Plugin
(0 total ratings)Keep your WordPress Optimized and Secure 24×7
Auto Generate Submenus
(1 total ratings)With this plugin, you can add an automatically generated submenu for each menu item.
Auto Add Tags
(7 total ratings)Find existing tags in your new post content. If found, automatically add those tags to the post whenever you save the post.
Auto Numbering Post
(1 total ratings)Automatically put the post number in front of the title of all published posts based on post date.
Simple Autolinker SEO Tool
(6 total ratings)Automatically apply links, targets, and no follows to keywords you specify.
Wp SEO Auto Generating Metatag Description
(0 total ratings)This Plugins that makes your site SEO boosting by making your defaut description change everytime you add new post on homepage only.
Admin Builder
(1 total ratings)Generates Wordpress Admin Panel functionality, modules, sections, metaboxes and fields of different types, easy and fast!
Automatic Gallery And Featured Image Sync
(1 total ratings)Automatically sync posts (or WooCommerce Product) and media images as featured image and gallery.
Auto youtube
(0 total ratings)An easy way to add video to your site with an automatic search based on tags, titles and categories.
(2 total ratings)BotWriter allows you to automate the creation of blog posts on your website using AI, like Chat GPT. It uses the latest OpenAI models to generate arti …
Auto Anchor
(0 total ratings)Auto Anchor is a WordPress plugin. It adds an HTML anchor to every Header-tag (h2-h6) and shows a small chain icon on the side when one is hovering ov …
New User Password Reset
(0 total ratings)Automatically issue a password reset when creating new Users