This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Custom Post Carousels with Owl


This plugin uses the Owl-Carousel-2 jQuery plugin to create carousels (sliders) from any built in or (public) custom post type in WordPress. You can use this plugin to make:

  • Image Carousel from Media Library
  • Product Carousels (Choose WooCommerce Products)
  • Featured Product Carousels
  • Carousels from Posts or Products by ID
  • Taxonomy (Category/Tag) Carousels
  • Carousel from Any Custom Post Type
  • Latest Posts
  • WooCommerce Reviews
  • More

Easy to use controls allow for customization of each carousel with options to show or hide Titles, Featured Image, Call to Action buttons (links) and more.

This plugin is simple and without on screen nags, promotions or upsells.

Please note. There is not a lot of stylesheet attached to the layout. If you don’t have basic skills, this might not be the plugin for you.


  • Admin View of a Featured Product Carousel
  • Admin View of choosing by post ID.
  • Admin View of Chosen Category
  • Public Large Desktop View. With Featured Image and CTA Link to item.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Upload owl-carousel-2.php to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Click on the menu item called Carousels
  4. Create your carousel.
  5. Copy the Shortcode and place in your page or post, or place <?php echo do_shortcode('[dd-owl-carousel id="1" title="Carousel Title"]'); ?> in your templates


I made the carousel, but now I can’t see it.

Make sure you insert the shortcode created by the plugin.

Can I use multiple carousels on a single page?

Yes, you can use as many as you want. Each one will have it’s own CSS ID so you can target them in your custom CSS files if you need to.

Are there programming Hooks?

Yes, there are 2 hooks. One is before the carousel contents, and the other is after the contents. There will be more enhancement to this at a later date.

  1. dd-carousel-before-content
  2. dd-carousel-after-content

These hooks pass 1 parameter which is $carousel_ID if needed.

Example to add pricing for WooCommerce Carousels – Add to your theme functions.php :

    function add_wc_price_to_carousel(){
    global $post, $woocommerce;
    $product = wc_get_product( $post->ID );
    if ($product) {
        echo '<p class="price">$' . $product->get_price() . '</p>' ;
        echo '<a href="'.get_permalink( $post->ID ).'" class="btn btn-primary ">Shop Now</a>';
    add_action('dd-carousel-after-content', 'add_wc_price_to_carousel', 10);

Can I Filter the Query Arguments?

Yes, there is currently one filter.

  • dd_carousel_filter_query_args

This filter passes 2 variables. $args the current arguments of the WP_Query and $carousel_id which is the ID of the carousel you want to filter.

Example to create your own custom Query – Add to your theme functions.php :

add_filter('dd_carousel_filter_query_args', 'filter_carousel', 10, 2);
function filter_carousel($args, $carouselID){
    if ($carouselID == 9803){
    $args = array(
        'post_type'              => array( 'post' ),
        'meta_query'             => array(
                'relation' => 'AND',
                    'key'     => '_chosen_store',
                    'value'   => '1',
                    'compare' => '>=',
                    'type'    => 'NUMERIC',
    return $args;

Are there other filters available?

There are currently several filters available to you. You can apply these in your theme’s functions.php

  1. dd_carousel_filter_excerpt ($excerpt, $carousel_id)
    • $excerpt : string the excerpt
    • $carousel_id int the post ID of the carousel.
  2. dd_filter_owl_carousel_script ($owl_script, $carousel_id)
    • $owl_script string the jQuery function that invokes the Owl Carousel
    • $carousel_id int the post ID of the carousel.
  3. dd_carousel_filter_title_heading ($heading)
    • $heading string – use any additional valid HTML tag to wrap the title that isn’t already present.
  4. dd_carousel_filter_prev and dd_carousel_filter_next
    • This might be helpful to include a fontawesome or other icon set as the Prev/Next buttons
  5. dd_carousel_filter_caption ($the_caption, $caption)
    • $the_caption – The HTML wrapper and caption for an image carousel
    • $caption The wp_get_attachment_caption caption for the image

Example of script filter:

apply_filters('dd_filter_owl_carousel_script', 'my_filter_owl_carousel_script', 10 , 2);
function my_filter_owl_carousel_script($script, $carousel_id){
    // Do stuff
    return $script;



Otoba 14, 2023
Excellent plugin with a lot of options. Worked for me immediatley without any problems. I show posts as a enterprise history. Thank you for this. The donat button shows me the site. But how can I donate?
Nuwamba 3, 2021 2 replies
I’ve given two stars because whilst the plugin does perform a good feature, it’s extremely limited in the sense that the JS is not properly enqueued, so if like me you develop your own theme, or use an optimisation plugin, and use different ordering of JS and CSS enqueueing, then this plugin is likely to not work. This is because the JS options are hard coded and echoed out directly onto the page, regardless of where the initial jQuery call is. This has rendered the plugin completely useless on my site because it’s not using recommended Wordpress enqueue practices.
Otoba 6, 2021
Semplice, flessibile e supporta la visualizzazione dei caroselli degli articoli riservati agli utenti registrati anche per i visitatori non registrati. Quest’ultima è un’ottima caratteristica. Mi sembra un plug-in molto ben fatto. Grazie per averlo messo a disposizione gratuitamente.
Yuli 17, 2021
I really appreciate the work you’ve put into this plugin! I found it quite straightforward to be able to create modals of post types as opposed to just displaying to the image. Great choice to use featherlight! Thanks so much!
Yune 30, 2021
Thanks for the great plugin, actually you made a premium level feature in free plugin i.e especially CPT Please constantly develop this plugin but I am not sure how the background coding are !
Read all 17 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Custom Post Carousels with Owl” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




Various fixes for sanitiziation filters.


Allow SVG in Prev / Next buttons


Security fixes


Add image alt text (if added to image in media library)


Added Lazy Loading as an option to all carousels (enabled by default). It is recommended you review your carousels to ensure settings are as you expect. Combined and minified front end styles.


Fix image issue on Taxonomy Carousel


Add “Media/Image” Carousel with choose media items. Additional filters added for convenience.


Add two additional filters dd_filter_owl_carousel_script and dd_carousel_filter_excerpt
Fix for CPT adding meta to all posts.


Fix Random


Fix for Elementor


Fix missing param in filter


Fix – Admin enqueue stylesheets only on carousel pages/edit.


Add Parameter to action hooks for carousel ID.


Minor fix on admin switching between Product choices.


Added Taxonomy Carousel and filter for main Query.


Fix issue with multiple WC Categories


Add multi selection for Taxonomy Terms.


Add Placeholder image for no-image


Fix Error with AQ Resize


Add Thumbnail Image Sizes


Allow for empty excerpt under title.


Change admin script to only enqueu on carousel custom post type.


Initial Release